In our ethical creative blog series, we’ve discussed why it's essential for organizations to prioritize ethics, accessibility, and inclusion in their creative elements. Today, we are continuing our exploration by zeroing in on accessibility in fundraising and marketing and why it's vital for the success of your campaigns and your mission. 

The Crucial Role of Accessibility 

Accessibility in fundraising and marketing goes beyond the considerations of ethics and inclusivity; it's about ensuring that your mission and resources are available and welcoming to all. By prioritizing accessibility, you’re removing barriers that might hinder potential supporters from engaging with your cause. 

Why Accessibility Matters 

  • Inclusivity and Equity: Accessibility ensures that your fundraising and marketing materials are usable by a wider audience. By considering the diverse needs of your potential supporters, you show a commitment to inclusivity and equity. It's an expression of your belief that everyone, regardless of their abilities, should have the opportunity to connect with and support your mission. 
  • Legal Compliance: In many countries, there are laws and regulations that require organizations to make their digital content and communications accessible. Ensuring compliance not only avoids legal complications but also demonstrates your commitment to responsible and ethical practices. 
  • Wider Reach: When your fundraising efforts are accessible, you open the door to a broader audience. This includes individuals with disabilities who may be deeply passionate about your cause but are often excluded due to inaccessible content. By embracing accessibility, you expand your potential donor base. 
  • Enhanced Engagement: Accessible materials are often designed for greater clarity and readability. This, in turn, leads to improved engagement. When your messages are more easily understood, it's more likely that supporters will resonate with your mission and take action. 
  • Reflecting Ethical Values: Just as ethical creative aims to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes and promotes equity, accessibility is an essential part of those ethical values. It's a tangible way to demonstrate your organization's dedication to making the world a better, more just, and more inclusive place. 

Practical Steps for Accessibility 

  • Website Accessibility: Ensure your website is designed with accessibility in mind. This means providing alt-text for images, using a responsive design that works on various devices, and ensuring compatibility with screen readers and other assistive technologies.  
  • Accessible Email Campaigns: Design your email campaigns to be easily read and navigated by screen readers. Use plain text versions alongside HTML emails and avoid relying solely on images to convey your message. 
  • Direct Mail Considerations: In direct mail fundraising, prioritize legibility by using readable fonts, high-contrast colors, and avoiding small text sizes. Consider providing Braille or large-print versions upon request for those with visual impairments. 
  • Video Accessibility: If you use video content, include closed captions or subtitles. These features are beneficial not only for those with hearing impairments but also for people who prefer to watch content without sound in certain situations. 
  • Alternative Formats: Offer materials in alternative formats, such as Braille, audio recordings, or easy-to-read versions for individuals with various cognitive abilities. 

Embracing accessibility in your nonprofit fundraising efforts not only extends your reach but also reinforces your organization's dedication to ethical and inclusive practices. It's a win-win situation: you empower more people to engage with your cause while moving closer to creating a more just world.  

Read all our posts about how you can incorporate Ethical Creative into your work.


About the author: Liv Tupanjanin is a seasoned direct response marketer with seven years of industry experience, currently serving as a Senior Account Executive at Mal Warwick Donordigital. With a passion for innovation, Liv thrives on challenging conventional approaches and is dedicated to pioneering creative and impactful fundraising solutions.