Showing 21 posts tagged Testing. Clear filter

Meeting Donors Where They Are: Ask String Edition

One of the most tried and true ways to raise response rate is by lowering the ask array - but how low should you go?…

Top five testing mistakes and how to avoid them

At Mal Warwick Donordigital, we love testing! However, we often see tests that are set up incorrectly or analyzed in the wrong way. This can lead to the wrong conclusion from a test, resulting in strategy changes that can hurt a program’s performance. So how can you avoid making mistakes in you…

46 Often Overlooked Testing Ideas

Testing is the most powerful tool we have to build a data-driven program - but only if it’s done right. A bad test isn’t just a waste of resources - if it leads you down the wrong path, it’s worse than no test at all. Not sure where to begin? Here are 46 impactful yet often overlooked online…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: RENEWAL SEASON!

How do you retain all those new donors you brought on in 2020, this year? Well, leverage your renewal series and offers, of course!…

Optimizing Your Organization’s Donation Page: A Primer

Looking for ways to boost your online revenue after a lack-luster year-end? Your donation page is the place to start!…

The Test Quest: Optimizing Your Donors’ Journey

No matter how many educated guesses we make, we can never know what is best for our particular fundraising and advocacy programs until we test.…

MWD Heading to 18NTC in New Orleans on April 11-13, 2018

The MWD team will be attending the 2018 Nonprofit Technology Conference in New Orleans on April 11-13. In addition to learning, meeting and greeting, we'll be presenting in two sessions, The Test Quest: Optimizing Your Donor’s Journey, and Integration to the Rescue! Candid Case Studies.…

Improve year-end giving by optimizing your website donation pages

While most attention at year-end is typically centered on maximizing reach and visibility through email marketing, direct mail, paid search marketing, and social media, it’s imperative to also focus on your website donation landing pages.…

New Sample Size Calculator Measures Marketing Tests

If you are setting up a marketing test and wondering how many contacts you need to achieve a significant result, MWD's new sample size calculator can provide answer for you. Our calculator is designed provide sample sizes for tests when you are measuring differences in proportions, so you can use it…

Mal Warwick Donordigital Team heads to 2014 Nonprofit Technology Conference

Raise more money online with a great headline

Year-End Fundraising in Review: Innovations with website donation pages

Winning and not-so-winning tests

Measuring your ROI in multichannel fundraising campaigns

Kick-start Your Donation Page Optimization Efforts: Test These 7 Emerging Techniques

10 Steps to Data-driven Decision-making

8 ways your organization is sabotaging its landing pages

In its 2011 Landing Page Optimization Benchmark Report, marketing research firm Marketing Sherpa identified 8 common practices that sabotage commercial marketers’ landing page performance. Reading the report, I was struck by how many of these behaviors also plague performance on nonprofit website…

Google’s new “Content Experiments” testing tool

Last Friday, Google announced it plans to shut down Website Optimizer, its 5-year old standalone testing tool, on August 1st. Simultaneously, Google unveiled “Content Experiments”, a new test tool that’s fully integrated into Google Analytics. As the only free, web-based landing page testing t…

Roll out some testing to liven up those Summer months

A/B tests, also called a split tests, allow you to test a single alternative version of a landing page (which features one or more changes) against the baseline page.…

Boost online response by optimizing your donation landing pages

Most organizations devote lots of time and energy into developing clever creative for their online campaigns and e-mails. But if you’re trying to raise more money online, the first thing you may want to try is persuading more of the people who already click “donate” on your Web site or in your…

Fundraising in Tough Times: A No-Nonsense Guide to Surviving in a Challenging Economy

Nobody can predict our economic future. But there are simple steps you can take to ensure that your organization will suffer the least possible damage in this recession–and emerge healthy and poised for renewed growth when the economic crisis has passed.…

Showing 21 posts tagged Testing. Clear filter

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