Showing 9 posts by Peter Schoewe. Clear filter

Top five testing mistakes and how to avoid them

At Mal Warwick Donordigital, we love testing! However, we often see tests that are set up incorrectly or analyzed in the wrong way. This can lead to the wrong conclusion from a test, resulting in strategy changes that can hurt a program’s performance. So how can you avoid making mistakes in you…

Fundraising in uncertain times, here’s what we know

If your program is experiencing reduced revenue in 2022, you are not alone. MWD experts have outlined some thoughts and recommendations to keep your program strong and effective.…

When Should You Ask for a Monthly Gift? Now!

The timing of a donor’s last gift is a well-known predictor of their next gift—with donors who have given more recently much more likely to give again. But we were wondering if the same was true for monthly gift conversions. Would the timing of a donor’s last one-time gift be predictive of w…

New Sample Size Calculator Measures Marketing Tests

If you are setting up a marketing test and wondering how many contacts you need to achieve a significant result, MWD's new sample size calculator can provide answer for you. Our calculator is designed provide sample sizes for tests when you are measuring differences in proportions, so you can use it…

Use our Response Significance Calculator when testing

Use our free Response Significance Calculator, a quick and handy way to test the statistical significance in response rate between two test panels when working on a direct response fundraising project.…

Winning and not-so-winning tests

How multichannel fundraising really works

Measuring your ROI in multichannel fundraising campaigns

Our latest White Paper: Measuring Your Return on Investment in Multichannel Fundraising Campaigns

Showing 9 posts by Peter Schoewe. Clear filter

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