Thank-You1. Indicate that their gift arrived in this morning's mail.

2. Praise their generosity ... the regularity of their donations.

3. Show how their gifts encourage the staff or the persons working at your organization's office.

4. Tell them that others are also responding; their gift added to others is having significant impact.

5. Give an example of recent results of one of your programs.

6. Tell them the story of a person who's benefited from your organization's efforts.

7. Report on a recent event sponsored by your organization.

8. Announce an upcoming event ... that's possible because of their generous support.

9. Discuss a societal trend or current event that dramatizes the need for your organization's work.

10. Report on membership growth.

11. Suggest they recommend someone else who might be interested in supporting your organization.

12. Enclose a return envelope ... and a reply card encouraging monthly contributions stamped "JANUARY" (the name of the next month)

Stephen Hitchcock is a former President of Mal Warwick Associates.