Like us, you might be feeling rageful (Stephanie), hopeless (Jack), or just plain sad (Jessica) right now. Because of the leaked DRAFT Supreme Court opinion that foretells a likely overturning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey before the current Supreme Court term ends early this summer, access to vital healthcare could very well be eliminated in 26 states overnight.

It is impossible to understate the importance of this moment, and we’ll certainly need all hands on deck to continue the fight for our constitutional rights to bodily autonomy.

Here are just a few ways to get involved right now:

  1. Remember that above all else, abortion is still legal and it’s still your right. The leaked draft SCOTUS opinion has not yet come down as a ruling, so if you or your loved ones currently need access to abortion, here’s a resource to find the clinic closest to you and if you need help affording an abortion, reach out to your local abortion fund to see if they can help.
  2. Attend an event in your area (likely at a courthouse) to demand safe, legal, and straightforward access to abortion services.
  3. Donate to your local abortion fund or consider giving to a fund based in a state that has severe restrictions on abortion access.
  4. Volunteer as a clinic escort and help folks who are seeking medical care get in and out of their doctor's office with minimal harassment. One thing to note with this option is that these clinics may be flooded with applications for volunteers, and rightfully need to screen all applicants, but the goal here is longevity so that there will be trained escorts available for a long time to come.
  5. Sign a petition to demand an end to the filibuster, and the passage of legislation to protect the right to choose at the federal level and advocate for DC statehood, so residents there can decide to make abortion legal.
  6. If you live in a state where abortion access is not yet codified, it is time to get on the horn with your local officials!
  7. The Affordable Care Act still covers many forms of contraception, including Plan B, at no cost. If you are worried about your birth control coverage, talk with your medical provider.
  8. Protect access to birth control, Plan B, and other contraceptives, and keep yourself informed on local updates to access.
  9. Volunteer with, donate to, support, and take action with any and all of these lovely organizations that fight for reproductive justice everywhere: URGE, SisterSong, UltraViolet, Shout Your Abortion, the National Organization for Women, the Center for Reproductive Rights, Fòs Feminista, Plan C, All Above All, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, National Women’s Law Center